It’s August, and for many, it’s time to get back to school. Supply lists are on their way, reminding us to get organized for the coming year. That means it’s time for the annual trip to the store to fill backpacks with colorful composition notebooks, pencils, calculators and combination locks.
For those of us who are no longer in school, it’s still a transitional time. Summer travels are coming to an end, and it’s a moment for renewed focus back at the office. So, if you’re packing your metaphorical leadership backpack, what will you need?
1. Pencils
Let’s start with the basics: pencils and a sharpener. Blunt pencils are much harder to write with. The same goes for leadership skills. If you’re not taking the time to sharpen them by reading a new book, listening to a fresh podcast or simply reflecting on your ideas, you may be missing out on the opportunity to keep growing. (So, don’t buy the pre‑sharpened box!)
2. New crayons or markers
Throw out your dried-out markers and recycle your broken crayons. As French artist Henri Matisse once said, “Creativity takes courage.” In a constantly evolving environment, leaders must keep creativity top of mind and be bold in their pursuit of it. Give your team space and encourage creativity and thinking beyond the norm. Why not give team members a set of markers to embrace creativity and color outside the lines?
3. Spiral notebook
Every coach creates “plays” to help them win the game. The same goes for a leader. Strategies, plans and ideas must be cultivated and written down then shared with a team so everyone is on the same page. Coaching others is something great leaders incorporate into operations each day. So, write your thoughts down and share them.
4. Eraser
Register for the 2024 LEAD FWD Summit
Leaders, go back to school with us at ICBA’s LEAD FWD Summit Sept. 9–10, in Milwaukee. For details and registration, check out
As leaders, we make mistakes and that’s OK! But knowing how to embrace those mistakes and learn from them helps leaders take on a growth mindset. Good things come from mistakes if we take the time to reflect on what went wrong. It builds a learning culture for the team. Just make sure to buy a decent eraser. Smudgy erasers are a false economy.
5. Ruler
Buy one—don’t be one. Great leaders know that everyone is an essential part of the team and contributes to getting the job done.
6. Box of tissues
Empathy has always been an important skill for leaders, and in some ways, it’s more important than ever. Empathetic leadership creates a team environment where everyone feels heard, valued, understood and included. Practice excellent communication and active listening skills, and always have tissues on hand in case of an emergency.
7. Glue stick
On the same note, think about team bonding. Connection builds trust, and trust supports success. Bring everyone together regularly. Meaningful engagement ensures that your glue stick never runs out!