Q: What has your banking career looked like thus far? 

A: I started my banking career in late 2018 as a compliance administrator at CNB Bank. In 2021, I accepted the position of internal audit officer for the bank, and I later earned my CCBIA and CCBCO certifications from ICBA. 

Q: How do you make the most out of your workday?  

A: I use my Microsoft Outlook calendar to prioritize tasks. I tackle the most important and time-sensitive tasks first, then move on to lower priorities. My daily tasks are guided by the internal audit risk assessment. I follow the assessment’s requirements and make sure to address every detail thoroughly.

Q: What’s a challenge you're currently facing, and how do you address it? 

A: The field is constantly changing with new risks and regulations; keeping up and ensuring our audit processes meet requirements can be challenging. I stay updated by attending conferences and engaging in professional development.

Q: What advice do you have for others in your role? 

A: Take the “I want to be your safe harbor” approach. It can be tough for people to hear they’re not complying with a regulation. Reassuring them you are not there to reprimand but to educate makes a huge difference. 

Q: What is your favorite thing about attending ICBA institutes and conferences? 

A: I love meeting new people and hearing the stories and experiences we all share. Making those connections is so rewarding. 

Q: How have your designations affected your role at the bank? 

A: My designations have helped grant me the ability to make positive changes and influence our company’s direction.

Upcoming certification opportunities

ICBA Audit Certification (CCBIA): Learn to establish and maintain an effective internal audit function within a community bank, including auditing basics, liabilities, assets and information systems. This event will be held in Bloomington, Minn., May 4–9, or via livestream Sept. 9–11 and 16–18.

ICBA Compliance Certification (CCBCO): Master regulatory compliance areas for community bank compliance officers, including lending, deposits and operations. This event, also held in Bloomington, Minn., will run in-person Sept. 14–19 or via livestream June 3–5 and 10–12. Registration opens soon.

Check icba.org/seminars for updates.