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Top Growth Strategies and M&A Articles


Growth Goals: Navigating IPOs and OTC Trading

Is your community bank thinking about launching an initial public offering or over-the-counter trading of stocks to raise liquidity? The rewards could be great—but both options come with extra regulatory requirements and costs. Careful consideration is critical.

By Cheryl Winokur Munk

All Growth Strategies and M&A Articles

group of people in a meeting Directors & Governance
Board succession planning after a merger

By Bridget McCrea

Moody's Analytics Growth Strategies & M&A
What community banks need to know about ESG
Tim Norris and Neil Zick Growth Strategies & M&A
Entering the cannabis banking market

By Judith Sears

phone illustration Growth Strategies & M&A
Capitalize on social payments

By Colleen Morrison

Kathy Strasser and Philip Suckow Growth Strategies & M&A
Can fintechs enhance your bank’s marketing campaign?

By Katie Kuehner-Hebert

hearts line chart illustration Growth Strategies & M&A
Six ways data can boost your community bank's brand

By Elizabeth Judd

Stephen Gordon Growth Strategies & M&A
De novos in the time of COVID

By Elizabeth Judd